
The governance structure of the CLAIMS project has been devised to respond to the needs of an international large-scale multi-stakeholder project. It is therefore built on both traditional management organisation principles and on a flexible and lean structure adapted to the characteristics of CLAIMS

Our pillars

General Assembly

The General Assembly is made up of at least one Representative by each of the Beneficiaries. The CLAIMS General Assembly is responsible for the determination of policies and strategic decision making.

Executive Committee

The Ex-Com is an operational committee incorporating at least one of the WP leads, PMO and the Coordinators, overseeing WP activity and deliverables.

Project Management Office

The Project Management Office (PMO) is coordinating all project management aspects (workplan monitoring, progress assessment, budget monitoring, reporting, administration, risk management, communications, etc.), supporting the project overall.

Work Packages

Each work package is co-led by a public and private partner, and completes the prior agreed deliverables, while collaborating together.

Scientific Advisory Board

The SAB is a body with consultative functions, composed by renowned external experts in the field, which is devoted to providing the project with strategic, methodological, scientific and technical advice.

Ethics Advisory Board

The Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) is composed of at least one, but preferably multiple experts with detailed knowledge of ethical policies. It is an advisory board to the Action in general and the Executive Committee in particular

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